Derek has been making his way through Europe this summer. On one of these stops he painted this wall in Rome. The wall was curated by 999Contemporary as part of a public art project in the area Via Ostiense. This twentieth century industrial district has become a public art district in Rome. 999 Contemporary has been selecting and producing curated walls from some of today’s top artists. Derek is a technician when it comes to his work focusing on and enhancing even the smallest details. It is this attention to detail that is prominent in not only his work but his approach to painting. This new wall was no different from past walls precise and to the point with a great back story as well. Below is a description of the work thanks to 999contemporary.


“It’s a 20x10ft wall representing a step of the infinite Derek research in objective-subjective view of reality. The white line represents the reality and the squares are slices of human space-time interactions with reality, in the left side the objective reality, in the right side subjective reality, the overlapped areas represent the contact zones between humans in space-time coordinates.
As usual in Derek work colors comes from CYMK palette, “why use other colors if they all come from these basic colors”.”

All pictures courtesy 999contemporary

The wall is part of a public art project which involves 999Contemporay, Municipio Roma VIII (Rome district municipality) and Snam-Italgas (a public energy company)