Here is an update of new work from Jens Besser. We recently featured his 5-minutes video awhile back. We came across these new images on his Flickr and thought we would share them with you. The work revolves around the theme “Trains of Infinity” which was also the inspiration of a recent exhibition here. Jens Besser’s work functions in the in between, neither here nor their. Working in abandoned areas and on old trains the artist chooses to work with more traditional materials such as brush and emulsion paint. It is this choice of medium as well as imagery that Jen’s uses that create raw honest paintings. We really like the direction Jen’s takes with this series of paintings being able to not only document the nature of his subject but also leave his own mark upon them.


Jens Besser is an internationally networked street-art artist. His studio is the public space and its stated goal is to create more space for art beyond the canvas and exhibition spaces. He makes artistic resistance to the trend of increasing privatization, bureaucratic controls and questions the art market system as well as consumer behavior. Better a regular invites to projects and workshops – often in the margins of legality – take place in the urban space, in official and unofficial art appropriated places and merge the in-and outsiders of the art world. The series “thoughts between stations and superstores” outlines the range of motion of a street-art artist in use: between stations and supermarkets. (Silke Wagler, 2013)