CaliforniaSoul Soundtrack by 4x4tracktor on Mixcloud

Augustine Kofie made his premiere solo exhibition in France this week in Paris. Openspace Galerie in Paris opened “California Soul” a solo exhibition with new work from Kofie. The exhibition is the 2nd part of our 100 days in Paris as part of #graffuturismparis. Here is a Photo Recap of some of the paintings that were exhibited as well as opening day pictures. We were impressed with the new body of work Kofie but not surprised, Kofie is one of the hardest working artists we know. Being familar with Kofie’s paintings we can say that these new works are first-class. Augustine is at his finest form with harmonious form intricate precision and nostalgic color. It is great to see Openspace bring Kofie to Paris and introduce his work to France. Paris welcomed Kofie with open arms with a Sold out Show. Great work Openspace and Kofie for another amazing exhibiton. Also in Kofie tradition he has made a soundtrack to the show posted above, take a listen. Gallery is open daily so check their website for viewing times. Even if you can buy a piece it is still worth the trip to see his attention to detail in his work.


Vernissage en présence d’Augustine Kofie, le samedi 25 mai de 16h à 20h à la galerie Openspace – 56 rue Alexandre Dumas, Paris 11ème

Infos pratiques :

56, rue Alexandre Dumas, Paris 11e
Du mardi au samedi, de 14h à 20h
M° Alexandre Dumas (L2) ou Rue des Boulets (L9)

Tél. : 09-80-66-63-94
Email :

Augustine Kofie. Solo show du 25 mai au 05 juin 2013
Le visionnaire du passé aux couleurs et médiums vintages.

Cette exposition est la 2ème étape du cycle Graffuturism-Paris à la galerie Openspace.