Momo and Eltono recently finished a series of public installations in Besancon, France. The series of installations titled “Impropbables” were placed all in location with found wood and minimal tools. 52 of them in total are scattered throughout the city, and will blend in to their surroundings in many occasions. Momo who is known for his masterful murals and use of color and surreal geometry establishes a more personal tone with this new work. Momo and Eltono create simple yet intimate installations that focus on in the artist words “We were inspired largely by the types of urban modifications, barriers, and repairs on buildings that demonstrate odd solutions, curious physics, or appear to be total mysteries. So we titled this “Improbables”, French for Improbables.”. It is refreshing to see artists continue to create a series of work in public to be left for the city to decipher and decode. Is it art, is it just beautiful chance at its best? The artists also documented the work with a zine which you can buy here. All pictures courtesy of the artists.