Joy Division


Train Train

This Coal is Mine


Strung Out


Pulled Strings




Studio Desk


After Match

W + K x


When you view Buff Diss’s work you are immediately struck with the clean perfection of the lines and the great use of the way he approaches the street as part of his canvas. Using the obstacles and shapes of the street at times to his advantage. In this age of street artists it is good to see an artist that brings something fresh to the streets. Whether it’s a nice illegal piece or a well placed tape painting by Buff I can tell you that each has its place in the streets. Regardless of your side of the debate you cant deny an artist like hiss work.

Here is a quick Bio on the Artist, hope to see some other projects soon from Buff.

Quick Artist Bio

“Originally from Melbourne, Australia but have been traveling the last few years. I started using masking tape instead of paint about 5 years ago by accident. It’s mainly the lack of precedent, no do’s & dont’s, etc. that I like most about using it. I’ve never studied art or design but I think graff is a bit like skating, once you start you learn to see the city differently. The same with graffiti, you never see the city the same again. Melbourne was an awesome place to come up, with innovators like Dskyz, Merda, Puzle, Renks, Bones and the SDM guys. Cheers for the interest in my work.”

Check out Buff’s Flickr Page