It seems like i am introducing one French Artist after another, must be in the water out there. Whatever it is i appreciate it and all the artists and artwork that is getting churned out of France. Here is yet another Artist that amazes, i started seeing his pieces pop up in other people’s Flickr pics of abandoned buildings. I then found his Flickr and later he sent me his website, and i was even more impressed. The first thing that stands out is his abstract style of course, but then it is his ability to stick to his letter structure and yet still push boundaries in the geometric and abstract aesthetic. He attacks the abandon spaces he paints, it seems as a photographer might sizing up the wall and space, not just getting up and getting out. He seems to be able to use the whole scene and wall as part of the composition, its these subtle differences that sold me on his work. Looking forward to more work from Sair in the future. You can capture more of his work at his Flickr and site below.
