Mural Update French Kiss Summer 2014
Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek Swiz Cokney Legz Hoctez Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek – Swiz – Hoctez – Sowat – Liard – Swiz – Songe Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek Baudelocque Liard Lek Hobz Liard Swiz Partie Lek Liard Alexone Hoctez Swiz Ogre Legz Pic by NicolasGzeley...
Video Sambre Insitu Intervention
Sambre-Jaguar Agile from THE MOUARF on Vimeo. Here is a recent Video documenting Sambre’s recent Insitu intervention along the Seine in Paris. Working with his favorite medium of wood, and in this case reclaimed wood from what looks to be an abandoned building Sambre is able to utilize the discarded material for a wall installation....
Review and Video MOSES & TAPS™, ‘TOPSPRAYER EXPRESS™’ Exhibition video at Ruttkowski 68
MOSES & TAPS™, ‘TOPSPRAYER EXPRESS™’, exhibition video (Ruttkowski;68, Cologne/ Germany) from Ruttkowski;68 on Vimeo. The more we come to grasp with graffiti entering the gallery setting the more we try to understand its impact in this new setting. With Rutkowski 68‘s new opening Moses & Taps TM “Topsprayer Express” TM furthers this debate, bringing into...