Wow its been a minute since we have posted and searching through saved posts I found this amazing exhibition that we never got around to sharing with you. So in true Taps & Moses fashion where they post happening much after the fact, we will also share this exhibition with you. ‘Flickwerk’ was a solo...
Preview §PLASH “RULES OF VANDALISM” Solo Exhibition by Moses & Taps™
Excited to see what Moses & Taps™ have in store for their first solo exhibition of the year. Rules of Vandalism will Open later this month and in from the show statement “In §PLASH “Rules of Vandalism” – their first show in Paris, Moses Alias Taps™ will render the quinta essentia of pure graffiti and...
The Grifters Presents MOSES & TAPS™ “Same Same” Book Release
Same Same™ – Book by Taps & Moses – Video Preview from The Grifters on Vimeo. SAME SAME … TOP SPRAYER™ X THE GRIFTERS: SAME SAME™ from The Grifters on Vimeo. The Good guys over at The Grifters have been preparing a rare limited release from Moses @ Taps. One of if not the most...
Christian Minke Thekra Jaziri Taps and Moses Markus Bukrereit Leonid Hrytsak Klone Frank Balve Daniel Weissbach Filippo Minelli Denk Public Delivery posted a recap of an impressive exhibition on their website. Galeria Autonomica is an exhibition curated by the duo of Christian Minke and Christoph Pankowski held at the Munich City Museum in Germany....
Review and Video MOSES & TAPS™, ‘TOPSPRAYER EXPRESS™’ Exhibition video at Ruttkowski 68
MOSES & TAPS™, ‘TOPSPRAYER EXPRESS™’, exhibition video (Ruttkowski;68, Cologne/ Germany) from Ruttkowski;68 on Vimeo. The more we come to grasp with graffiti entering the gallery setting the more we try to understand its impact in this new setting. With Rutkowski 68‘s new opening Moses & Taps TM “Topsprayer Express” TM furthers this debate, bringing into...