Roskilde Festival 2012 Photo Recap
Espo Trun Sofles Sofles Rubin Rubin Zmogk Wais Swet Swet Soten Brus Brus Retro Pascha Feks Feks Chas Bonzai Ekosystem just posted a nice set of pictures from the Roskilde Festival in Denmark recently. This is only a portion of the walls painted, it seems like this was a massive event bringing some...
Roid Kem5 Towns Soten Score Opium Dems Ground Release Denmark Video
Looks like the summer is starting off with a bang. Check out this massive wall put together by Ground Release. Includes Roid, Dems, Kem5, Soten, Opium, Towns and Score. Pics courtesy of Ground Release. “Ground Release is an international arts and culture exchange program based in London, our events bring multinational artists together to create...