Posts tagged "memorial"
Askew "Nekst Tribute" in Detroit

Askew “Nekst Tribute” in Detroit

Askew painted this portrait in tribute to fellow crew member Nekst in Detroit. Here is was he had to say below about the portrait. GF “Today I just finished this tribute to my friend Nekst in Detroit. Pose suggested this photo that KC Ortiz took as the basis for the work and I also incorporated...
Walls Update Askew "Ralph Hotere" Tribute Portrait

Walls Update Askew “Ralph Hotere” Tribute Portrait

Askew has been pushing himself into new territory as of late with his move into portraits and font based work. This break from his traditional graffiti work is another vein of important aesthetics for the artist. Being able to transition between styles has allowed Askew to pay tribute in his latest mural to Ralph Hotere...
Video Vizie For Nekst

Video Vizie For Nekst

For Nekst from LRG on Vimeo. An amazing tribute video from Vizie to his brother Nekst. Shot by KC ortiz with extra footage from Bankshot the video captures Vizie painting a memorial piece for Nekst while the video reflects on moments from Nekst and his work. NEKST RIP GF