Robert Proch, Vesod, Sepe and Corn 79 ‘FRIULI 1976’ Gemona Italy
Impressive new Mural from Robert Proch, Vesod, Sepe and Corn79 in Italy as part of the ‘FRIULI 1976’ wall / Elementi Sotterrani X project / Gemona (IT). An amazing exhibition of each artists ability to collaborate and bring a uniform and cohesive overall mural concept. GF ‘FRIULI 1976’ wall / Elementi Sotterrani X project /...
Corn79 ZorkMade Denis Meyers Kosmopolite Art Tour 2012
Corn79, Zorkmade, and Denis Meyers recently painted this Mural as part of the Kosmopolite Art Tour last week. “The main share of the event Consists of 50 + artists , a mix of Belgium’s international guests and finests Who Will paint walls 7. As side activities: three exhibitions (including one in Brussels – see below),...