Lek Swiz Cokney Legz Hoctez Photo Nicolas Gzeley
Lek – Swiz – Hoctez – Sowat – Liard – Swiz – Songe
Photo Nicolas Gzeley
Lek Baudelocque Liard
Lek Hobz Liard Swiz Partie
Lek Liard Alexone Hoctez Swiz Ogre Legz Pic by NicolasGzeley
Lek Legz Liard Shick Hobz Photo Nicolas Gzeley
Lek – Swiz – Sowat – Liard – Hobz – Legz – Shick -Bande French kiss Boulbi
Lek – Oedipe – Liard – Hobz – Kid Kreole – Oedipe
I always look forward to the French Kiss collaborations that take place in Paris throughout the year. We saved up a group of these interventions to share with you. Lek initially started the loose knit group of interventions that usually involve a group of artists coming together to form one production. Usually French Kiss is the letter form or title of the work, not a crew but an ever evolving group of artists. Most of the pieces were done on the street without permission in high traffic areas, yet because of the intricate nature of the murals the artists are usually not bothered, a secret that the TURBODESIGN crew (Hobz, Honda and Onde) discovered a few years ago and decided to share with the French Kiss, giving an abstract twist to their traditionally more ‘figurative’ productions. Some murals last a night some months. It has always been common practice for graffiti artists to get together on weekends and paint productions where each writer maintained their own personal space but maybe added a aesthetic theme to tie in the wall. French Kiss takes this tradition of artists coming together to paint on a weekend or holiday and instead of the artists focusing on an individual work they instead focus on the overall theme or wall first, the letting go of the ego is always relevant in the French Kiss Productions. All walls were painted in or around Paris. Photos are credited and productions titled above with the artists involved.
Photo Nicolas Gzeley, Swiz, and Sowat