Pener Velvet and Zoer teamed up recently for this massive mural loosely titled “Vertical Farming”. The Mural was painted in Turek, Poland, as Poland continues to push the medium through large scale murals. Vertical Farming references the architechural elements of Pener’s work while mixing in the realist work of Velvet and Zoer. A beautiful collaboration that once again showcases the strength of todays modern painters to be able to work effectively together as a team with their art.
Tags: Abstract, Abstract Artist, Abstract Graffiti, abstract street art, bartek swiatecki, Bartek Świątecki Pener, BARTOSZ ŚWIĄTECKI, conceptual graffiti, contemporary abstract, geometric, Graffiti, graffiti art, graffiti artist, Graffuturism, Graffuturists, Mural, non-letter objective graffiti, Painting, Pener, poland, polish graffiti, polska, spraypaint, street art, turek, VELVET, velvet csx, Walls, zoer, zoer csx