Matt W. Moore and Tim Clorius recently exhibited in Maine. The show titled “Free Form Flow” showcased bot the artists talent to combine elements of color and rhythm. A very impressive collaborative mural was also painted prior to the opening. Great work enjoy the pictures of the work and opening courtesy of MWM.
“Born and raised in Heidelberg, Germany, Clorius brings a postmodern sensibility to his work, which is frequently influenced by his love for graffiti art. His interest in graffiti art and exploring the potentials and boundaries in the “hybridization” of traditional forms of painting with contemporary approaches can be seen throughout his work. He received his education in fine arts and painting from the School of Visual Arts in New York and the Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine, where he currently lives and works as a painter. His work has been exhibited widely in the U.S. and internationally.
Moore is the founder of MWM Graphics, a Portland-based design and illustration studio. He works across disciplines as can be seen in his colorful digital illustrations, freeform paintings and aerosol art. Moore exhibits his work in galleries around the world.”