
Stephen Espo Powers recently curated and exhibited in Milano, Italy at the Galleria Patricia Armocida. The group show titled “Contemporaries” featured work by Todd James, Barry McGee, Stephen Powers, Sean Barton, Devin Flynn, Francesco Igory Deiana, Aindriais Dolan, Mike Langley, Alexis Ross and Dan Murphy. It was interesting to see who Stephen Powers as a curator would choose to exhibit. A group of artists built on relationships formed through graffiti, and art. Stephen brings the typical graffiti all stars, but also establishes some new additions to the roster. Todd James, Barry Mcgee and Stephan come strong as would be expected. I was curious to see what direction Sean Barton would take exhibiting next to his peers. We have been a fan of Sean’s work for awhile and it was good to see him take the stage with Powers. Some nice new work from the other artists in the show ranging from abstract geometric work to ballpoint portraits, “Contemporaries” delivers a nice cohesive and tightnit group of work. We appreciate that the gallery was able to get us the pictures of the opening. Look out for these new artists also Stephen Powers really delivered in the curating of the show.


“Contemporaries is a state of grace I have yearned to be in since I was 16 and started venturing into the world beyond my neighborhood to paint graffiti. I wanted to meet like-minded people and collaborate on art, jokes, and life. Through graffiti you meet all types of strangers, and most of them stay strange, but there are those that become partners and ultimately family. This show is our family. Not the whole family, but many of the immediate creative family I am proud to be a part of. We are contemporaries because we all came from different places, but we have very similar teenage years, and we want the same things as adults. To make good work and have fun doing it.”