El Mac “Ars et Scientia” Mural in Boston
“Ars et Scientia” was painted at Northeastern University, in Boston. The school is across the street from The Museum of Fine Arts, whereEl Mac was a selected artist at 2014’s MFA Summer Auction along with Augustine Kofie and Jaybo Monk. The mural was created with his signature spray paint technique of haloed circles and ghostly...
“A Major Minority” Recap Part 1 “Photography” at 1AM Gallery San Francisco
Clams Rockefeller Todd Mazer Silvio Magaglio Scott La Rockwell Nibor Rieluos ABCDEF When i first set out to curate the “A Major Minority” exhibition I knew I wanted to bring a survey of not only artists who painted or were only affiliated with graffuturism, instead I wanted to open the margins a bit and...
Walls update El Mac and Augustine Kofie Los Angeles
Photo Todd Mazer Photo Todd Mazer Photo Todd Mazer Photo Todd Mazer During the Graffuturism LA exhibition at Soze Gallery El Mac started this new mural with Kofie. Todd Mazer was able to get some process shots of El Mac painting the mural and Kofie just posted the finished Mural on his Blog. The collaboration...
Mural Jurne & Matt W. Moore collaboration Los Angeles Photos Todd Mazer
Jurne and Matt W. Moore were in Los Angeles last month for the opening of “Graffuturism”. They were able to paint together and leave a beautiful collaborative mural behind in Los Angeles. The Mural was painted in Downtown Los Angeles and luckily for us Todd Mazer was able to document the mural and get us...
New Mural Augustine Kofie Venice Amplify Campus
Augustine Kofie recently finished another amazing mural installation in Venice. Todd Mazer was on the scene and was able to document the mural with some amazing photos. The mural was installed on the recently opened Amplify Campus in Venice. Kofie goes big once again this time wrapping the building with a beautiful palette that resonates...
Askew One Update LA Freewalls
We are back, sorry for the lack of posts the last couple months. Now lets catch up on some action that has been taking place. Askew One arrived in Los Angeles in April and got straight to work. Askew started with a Mural on the Rooftop of the New LALA Gallery in Los Angeles. LALA...