Mural Update French Kiss Summer 2014
Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek Swiz Cokney Legz Hoctez Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek – Swiz – Hoctez – Sowat – Liard – Swiz – Songe Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek Baudelocque Liard Lek Hobz Liard Swiz Partie Lek Liard Alexone Hoctez Swiz Ogre Legz Pic by NicolasGzeley...
Mural Update Lek, Sowat, and Philippe Baudelocque
Two of our favorite artists Lek and Sowat teamed up with Philippe Baudelocque to paint this massive 27 by 63 foot mural in St. Blaise Paris. The mural located in the 20th district of Paris was organized by Artazoi. A pattern of criss crossing stripes make up the composition of the mural intersecting stripes...
*Update Video “Tracés Directs” Installation and Film for Nuit blanche 2013 at Palais de Tokyo
Tracés Directs / Direct Outlines from sowat + lek on Vimeo. *Update here is the video finally released of the project, well worth the wait. Another amazing project from Paris. Lek and Sowat were involved with a recent film “Tracés Directs” and installation that took place at the Palais de Tokyo, yet the Film will...