D-ONE’S IKONOKLAST PANZERISM from drzulu on Vimeo. Here is a interesting video from D-One RAMMELLZEE’s final apprentice who put together this video showcasing his Lego Racer Letters. Worth a watch for anyone interested in Rammellzee or his Ikonoklast Panzerism. GF In 2010, the infamous RAMM:ΣLL:ZΣΣ took one final apprentice within his movement of “GOTHIC FUTURISM.”...
The RAM:ELL:ZEE Battle Station 2011
The RAMM:ELL:ZEE from MOCA on Vimeo. Ramm:ell:zee is a mythical persona to me personally, a legend, a pioneer that fits the cliche perfectly. Ahead of his time. I don’t feel I can properly write about the importance of this Artist in an intro to this post, and I wont do the artist that injustice....