Mural Update French Kiss Summer 2014
Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek Swiz Cokney Legz Hoctez Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek – Swiz – Hoctez – Sowat – Liard – Swiz – Songe Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Photo Nicolas Gzeley Lek Baudelocque Liard Lek Hobz Liard Swiz Partie Lek Liard Alexone Hoctez Swiz Ogre Legz Pic by NicolasGzeley...
Jacques Villeglé / Lek & Sowat, DRAWING NOW PARIS at Espace Commines
Lek & Sowat were invited to collaborate alongside the legend Jacques Villeglé at the for DRAWING NOW PARIS Espace Commines, and as they usually do they invited their contemporary peers Cockney, WXYZ, and Sebastien Preschoux. This is the second time the duo have collaborated with Villeglé, the first time being at the Palais de...