Artist Feature and Essay from EKG
Above photo by @SakiWaki I have been wanting to feature the work of EKG for some time. An enigmatic figure EKG has established himself in cities around the world and most notably in New York. Speaking in graffiti terms and chasing all city, EKG not only works within the tradition of graffiti but transcends it...
Video GRIFTERS CODE 5 “Fuck Being Polite”
GRIFTERS CODE 5: Fuck Being Polite from Teh Grifters on Vimeo. The Grifters are at it again with a new video release. Grifters Code 5 “Fuck being Polite” features action writing and behind the scenes graffiti. Utah and Ether are featured along with Boris as well. The Grifters continues to give it you raw and...
Video Ensoe | Andrew Young | Scott Sueme Art Basel 2011.
Ensoe | Andrew Young | Scott Sueme, Art Basel 2011. from Catalog Creative on Vimeo. Sueme, Ensoe and Andrew Young recently dropped a video recap of their adventures in Miami for Art Basel this year. Shawn ‘Bikes’ Henderson was able to capture some great footage and thanks to Catalog Creative put together an amazing...