We are back, sorry for the lack of posts the last couple months. Now lets catch up on some action that has been taking place. Askew One arrived in Los Angeles in April and got straight to work. Askew started with a Mural on the Rooftop of the New LALA Gallery in Los Angeles. LALA Gallery held its first group show which featured work from artists that have taken part in the LA Freewalls project curated by Daniel Lahoda. He didn’t stop there and went monumental with his next mural. Teaming up with Zes Msk Askew added some color next to a large scale JR installation. Talented Photographer Todd Mazer was able to document the murals and captured some amazing pictures. Askew always seems to move in directions you don’t see coming. When you think he is going left he goes right. Its great to see such a range from a graffiti artist who clearly has his foundation set, yet he is able to capture those larger moments. Painting from within rather than whats expected, Askew continues to be one of our favorite artists. Great work. We cant wait to share more work he has been busy painting on his recent trip to the states.